Pattaya Beach

Asian Este & Massage


Most (not all) massage shops will offer ‘extras’ that are not on the Menu board. The prices, as with the service, varies from place to place and each masseuse has their own limits and services offered. Ladyboys are present in many locations and not necess
Pattaya Beach, , TH
Orientation Straight
4 Hand Massage Avaiable YES
Thai Massage (hour) 200 Baht
Foot Massage (hour) 200 Baht
Oil Massage (hour) 300 Baht
Aroma Massage (hour) 400 Baht
Head Neck Shoulder Massage 250 Baht
Foot Scrub 300 Baht
Overall quality of girls High
Duration Price
45 Minutes $50.00
60 Minutes $60.00
Monday 9:00AM - 12:30AM
Tuesday ---
Wednesday ---
Thursday ---
Friday ---
Saturday ---
Sunday ---